A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

Waltham Forest Food Growers Network

The Waltham Forest Food Growers Network brings people growing food in Waltham Forest together. The network includes community growing organisations, allotments, schools and herb gardens. Membership is open to any organisation within the borough.

The network exists to connect members to share skills, resources and ideas. To date there are 39 members across the Waltham Forest wards. The network has held community training on food growing; workshops on building ponds, seed saving and supporting volunteers; and supported efforts to increase biodiversity.

As a network we recognise that sharing resources, experiences and knowledge of food strengthens us all, and helps to build resilient food-growing communities. It is a tool through which we can redistribute resources, money and power between groups.

This work furthers Organiclea’s aim of building a local food system that ensures everyone in Waltham Forest has access to affordable, locally-grown produce. We are working alongside other food growing and redistribution organisations in the borough to develop a co-ordinated food partnership and strategy to deliver this aim.

Organiclea has received funding from the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, Lottery Jubilee and Heritage Lottery to carry out this work, provisioning materials, money, and resources.

You can find out more about the Waltham Forest Food Growers Network at the dedicated website here: https://www.wffgn.org.uk/

If you are part of a community growing initiative in Waltham Forest and would like to join the network please email greg@organiclea.org.uk, or fill out the below form.

Waltham Forest Food Grower’s Network – join by leaving your name and email.

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