A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

Tag Archivesfood growing

Get ready to grow

Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 February 10am-4pm Weekend course on Getting Ready for the Growing Season. This course will help you prepare for the upcoming growing season, especially if it’s your first one! Run in partnership with Waltham Forest community …

Britain Feeding Itself

Wednesday 23 January, 7pm at Hornbeam Cafe In April 2012 eager to learn more about the food system and sustainable rural living Naomi and Pip, two community food growers (and ex-Hawkwood apprentices) cycled out of London to explore farms, small …

Grow your own wine

Sunday 27 January 2013, 9.30am-4pm A one day course that will look at everything to do with growing grape vines, from their planting, and growth training, propagating new plants and specific pruning essentials. The course will be based at the …

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