A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

Tag Archivesfood growing

Intro to Gardening

Tuesday 6.30 to 9.30pm for 7 weeks starting Tuesday 30 April This course is aimed at beginner gardeners who wish to gain gardening skills and knowledge. The focus will be on vegetable growing, but much of the course content will …

Permaculture Design Course

This course guides, inspires and supports, those seeking a more sustainable and integrated life. Both practical and personally transforming, it will provide you with the life skills needed for these times of transition. The course has previously run on alternate …

March Open Day

Come and welcome in Spring on our next Open Day, Easter Sunday 31st March 12-4pm. 12-12.30pm the day kicks off with an easter egg hunt, bring chocolates to join in 1-2pm shared soup for lunch (available for a donation) 3pm …

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