A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

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All about fruit

Saturday & Sunday 1 – 2 March 2014, 9.30am-3.30pm The essentials of pruning and growing fruit trees and bushes: a weekend course for beginner and experienced gardeners who have (or would like) fruit trees and bushes and would like to …

All about fruit

Saturday & Sunday 1 – 2 March 2014, 9.30am-3.30pm The essentials of pruning and growing fruit trees and bushes: a weekend course for beginner and experienced gardeners who have (or would like) fruit trees and bushes and would like to …

12th June 2013

Standard Vegetable Bags have Marfona or baking potatoes (Kent), onions, carrots (Norfolk B), lettuce (Essex), chard  (Norfolk), cucumber (Glos), courgette (Jersey), Spring garlic (Chingford) Standard No Potato Bags have mixed beetroot bunch (Dagenham) Large Vegetable Bags have same as standard …

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