A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

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Learn about fruit

Saturday 2 & Sunday 3 July 2016, 9.30am-5pm The essentials of pruning and growing fruit trees and bushes: a weekend course for beginner and experienced gardeners who have (or would like) fruit trees and bushes and would like to know …

Learn about fruit

Saturday 4 & Sunday 5 July 2015, 9.30am-5pm The essentials of pruning and growing fruit trees and bushes: a weekend course for beginner and experienced gardeners who have (or would like) fruit trees and bushes and would like to know …

All about fruit

Saturday 4 & Sunday 5 July 2015, 9.30am-5pm The essentials of pruning and growing fruit trees and bushes: a weekend course for beginner and experienced gardeners who have (or would like) fruit trees and bushes and would like to know …

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