A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

Tag Archivesedible plants

September Open Day and Plant Sale

Sunday 22 September – Plant Sale and Apple Pressing We’re holding a Plant Sale at our Hawkwood growing site, taking a look ahead to the coming colder months, with an opportunity to buy seedlings to plant for winter. From mustards …

May Open Day and Plant Sale

Plant and compost sales, delicious food, and more!  Join us for our next open day, on Sunday 26th May 12 pm – 4 pm. We’ll have all you need to give your growing season a boost – come and get …

April Open Day and Plant Sale

Plant sales, bargain compost, and more!  Join us for our first open day of the year, on Sunday 28th April 12 pm – 4 pm. We’ll have all you need to give your own growing season a head-start – featuring …

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