A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

OLD Potting On Compost (Copy)

From: £8.00

When your seedling is ready for the next stage this compost is specifically made to help with growth and establishment.

Ingredients: Coir/Bark*; Sieved Compost#; Woodmould/Leafmould~; Sand; plant-based Fertilizer*; Woodash^; Seaweed*.

*Certified Organic; #Soil Association approved; ^from untreated timer; ~produced on-site from local treed
SKU: N/A Category:


When your seedling is ready for the next stage this compost is specifically made to help with growth and establishment.


Additional information

Weight N/A

10 litres – £4, 20 litres – £8, 40 litres – £14

Your Order

  • Window Box Collection
    1 £12.00

Subtotal: £12.00

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