A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

Posts ArchivePage 43

Growing in a Time of Coronavirus

“March’ll search ye, April try ye, May’ll tell ye, whether live or die ye” – English proverb February rains flooded the dips and levels of land here, then March came in, unconventionally, like a lamb, soft and bright. The gardeners’ …

Plantboxes – final week

Last chance to order our plantboxes before Thursday 22 May – for delivery first week of June and ready to go in the ground!

Buy flowers from our Bee Border and help wild pollinators

Over the last two years at Hawkwood under our BeeWild project we have been surveying and creating habitat and planting more flower forage for wild pollinator insects. To fund this ongoing work in summer 2020 we are selling bunches of …

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