A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

Posts ArchivePage 176

A New Balance

The rains have finally come in buckets, or spades, to use a gardening term. They seem to have ushered in a new order, a restored equilibrium. And the frenetic weeks of street-level plant stalls are closing, so the focus is …

Grow Skills for Life

Courses at Organiclea’s Hawkwood site are growing as quickly as the plants! Full details below… Developing training courses at our growing site is an important part of our food growing and land-skills work. Our 2011 programme offers a range of …

Saint Celery’s

“Everything the power of the world does is done in a circle” – Black Elk Going round in circles may be considered futile activity in what is still the age of straight lines and boxes. Yet even now, some cycles …

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