A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

Posts ArchivePage 175

Magic & Tragic Beans

For all the exotic pungency of roses or jasmine, it’s the subtle, elusive nature of the scents of plants like gorse and peas, that make them more bewitching. And a field of beans is to the nose what a woodland …

Basket weaving

Make your own beautiful willow basket in a day. Learn about the materials, tools, history, terminology, and the process of weaving a willow basket. The tutor is expert basketweaver Terence McSweeney (who made the basket pictured above). Still a few …

Midsummer fun

The longest day of the year gives ample time after strawberry, broad bean and salad harvesting to celebrate the amazing volunteer work and learning which has taken place on the site over the past twelve months. What better way to …

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