A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

Category ArchivesEvents

Britain Feeding Itself

Wednesday 23 January, 7pm at Hornbeam Cafe In April 2012 eager to learn more about the food system and sustainable rural living Naomi and Pip, two community food growers (and ex-Hawkwood apprentices) cycled out of London to explore farms, small …

Growing Change

Growing Change, A journey inside Venezuela’s food revolution Thursday 29 November, 7pm at the Hornbeam Centre A film followed by discussion with supporting speakers from the World Development Movement and Organiclea. The film, by Simon Cunich shows how in Venezuela, …

Onto the Streets!

There’s no stopping the stall: whatever the claims of  supermarkets and internet shopping, every week millions clamour to rough and ready markets and car boot sales.

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