A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

Author ArchivesShan Li Ng

What’s in your fruit and veg bags this week

Week commencing 16 September Large Veg bags have red alouette or new orla potatoes, carrots, brown onion, leeks, sweetcorn, harlequin/sweet dumpling squash, collard greens, rainbow chard, runner or french beans. No potato bags have: tomatillos Standard Veg bags have red …

One-day course: Introduction to Wild Mushroom Identification

Introduction to Wild Mushroom Identification Date: Saturday 12 October 2024, 10.30am – 4.30pm (including a lunch break, please bring your own) Location: Hawkwood Nursery, 115 Hawkwood Crescent, London, E4 7UH This course is aimed at those who are interested in …

What’s in your fruit and veg bags this week

Week commencing 9 September Large Veg bags have red or gatsby potatoes, carrots, brown onion, sweetcorn, aubergine, perpetual spinach, green curly kale, kohl rabi, cucumber. No potato bags have: white mushroom Standard Veg bags have red or gatsby potatoes, carrots, …

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