Pruning and training fruit trees and bushes
Saturday 29 November, 9.30am-5pm
This one day course for beginners and more experienced gardeners covers the essentials of pruning fruit trees and bushes. It includes plenty of practical experience in winter pruning with techniques that can be applied in summer too.
The course will combine classroom-based learning with practical training, and will cover:
*appropriate tools for pruning and plant care.
*general pruning principles and practice – applicable to fruiting and flowering trees, bushes and shrubs;
*specific pruning and planting techniques, including a range of wall/fence training techniques.
The tutors are Marlene Barrett and Sean Hearn from Organiclea.
Wear sturdy shoes, warm clothing and bring all weather gear for outdoor practical sessions. Bring gardening gloves and secateurs for pruning practicals if you have them.
Bring a packed lunch. Tea and coffee facilities are available at the site.
Course fee: £60/ £40 / £20 – see our course fee guide for details of how concessions apply.
Book your place now on our registration page!