Standard vegetable bags have Charlotte Potatoes (Essex), Carrots, red and/or white Onions (Norfolk B), Gem squash (Norfolk), Cabbage and Fennel (Essex), Climbing French beans, Beetroot and Salad (Chingford). No potato bags have Broccoli (Norfolk).
Large vegetable bags have larger portions of potatoes, carrots, onions, gem squash salad and a cucumber (Chingford).
Small veg bags have Charlotte potatoes (Essex), Carrots (Norfolk B), Spinach (Essex), Tomatoes and Squash (Norfolk) and a cucumber (Chingford). No potato bags have Broccoli (Norfolk).
Standard fruit bags have bananas (Dom Rep.), Raspberries or Blackberries (Chingford and Cropshare), Discovery apples and plums (Norfolk) and a Pomegranate (Spain).
Small fruit bags have bananas (Dom Rep.), Cape gooseberries or blackberries (Chingford and Cropshare), Discovery apples and Plums (Norfolk).