A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

Weekend Workshops at OrganicLea

OrganicLea’s Weekend Workshops

We are so excited to open bookings to our 2025 Weekend Workshop series! We’ve got four wonderful one-day courses that are open for bookings right now, with more to come! All taking place at Hawkwood Nursery, E4 7UH. A summary of the courses is below. For more details on each course and to book your place please visit our Ticket Tailor page here.

DIY Beer Brewing Course
15 March 2025, 11 am – 4 pm

Unleash your inner homebrew master! Join us for an immersive one-day workshop on the art and science of crafting delicious beer.

Suitable for complete beginners and those with some beer brewing experience, this hands-on experience will guide you through the basics of homebrewing. where you’ll learn about:

  • Beer styles: what makes an IPA, a stout or a lager? An introduction to the wonderful world of recipes.
  • Selecting your malt: learn the differences between base and speciality malts.
  • Brewing the wort: working with malt extract and speciality grains, discover the ancient science of converting starches into yeast fermentable sugars.
  • Boiling and hops: learn about the use of hops for bittering, flavour and aroma, and when they are added to the boil.
  • Yeast fermentation: discover the important role yeast plays in creating beer.
  • Bottling and carbonation: learn how to safely bottle and carbonate your fermented beer.

Who is this course for?

  • Absolute beginners – no brewing experience needed. Everything will be explained!
  • Beer enthusiasts – gain an understanding of what makes beer beer.

What’s included

  • We’ll look at the history of beer and resources available to us.
  • We’ll go through all the steps and equipment you’ll need to successfully complete your first brewday.
  • You’ll get to bottle and take home a delicious bottle of homebrew beer!

To book a place, please visit our Ticket Tailor page here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/organiclea/1550818?

Mushroom Cultivation for Beginners
Saturday 12 April 2025, 10:30 am – 4:30 pm

This one day workshop will deliver the foundational principles for cultivating many of the mushrooms considered edible and medicinal. The workshop will combine a mixture of theoretical and practical learning.

At the end of this workshop you will have the basic knowledge you need to take your first steps in the home cultivation of both edible and medicinal mushrooms. This workshop will also generate material which you can take home to start your growing straight away!

There will be an hour break for lunch, between 1pm – 2pm. Please bring your own lunch.

This workshop is being run by Rod Sazio, OrganicLea’s Mushroom Grower who has several years of experience in culturing and growing mushrooms, from home cultivation to the current small-scale set-up at Hawkwood.

To join the waiting list, please visit our Ticket Tailor page here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/organiclea/1613670?

Seed Sowing for Beginners
Saturday 12 April 2025,
10:30 am – 4:30 pm

This course is aimed at beginners, who are interested in understanding seeds and how to care for them especially when you want them to germinate and become a healthy plant!

We will cover:

  • What is a seed?
  • Growing medium selection
  • How to start and support seedlings

At the end of the course, you will be equipped with a foundational knowledge of seed sowing and be able to apply this to start your own setting. You will also take some of the seeds you have sown on the day home with you.

This course is being run by Danielle Ahmet, a Coop member, one of our Growers and tutors of the Level 1 Certificate in Horticulture. This topic was the very first course she attended and she attributes it as being the first step towards what became a major career shift.

Please note there will be a break for lunch. Please bring your own lunch.

To book a place, please visit our Ticket Tailor page here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/organiclea/1550769?

Secrets of the Salad Leaves
Saturday 10 May 2025, 10:30 am – 4:30 pm

How to Grow, Blend and Eat OrganicLea’s Salad Mix

Of all the edible crops, salad leaves make the most sense to be grown in the city. Quality and nutritional value deteriorate rapidly once picked, so they are best consumed ultra-fresh if possible. As well as freshness, the range of leaves on offer to the gardener cannot be rivalled by the supermarkets, and this diversity benefits soil health and wildlife. Salad can be successfully grown all year round, in a wide range of environments, including containers and partial shade. And a little salad lifts any meal in a number of levels!

In this workshop we will:

  • deconstruct OrganicLea’s salad mix, which consists of 136 different leaves and 42 edible flowers
  • consider how to blend different flavours, textures and colours to delight all the senses
  • examine how and where to grow salad, including seed sowing tips, how they fit into a crop rotation, how to ensure continuous supply, and the crucial question of how to harvest them before the slugs do!

Workshop participants will get to sample a range of common and uncommon salad leaves, and take home seedlings of their own curated salad mix for growing on.

Delivered by Ru Litherland who has been growing salad commercially for nearly three decades, at Growing Communities and OrganicLea.

There will be an hour for lunch, between 1pm – 2pm, and please bring your own lunch.

To book a place, please visit our Ticket Tailor page here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/organiclea/1565328?

Fruit Care and Pruning
Saturday 12 July 2025, 11 am – 4 pm

Love your fruit! This one day course for beginners and more experienced gardeners covers the essentials of pruning and looking after fruit trees and bushes. It includes plenty of practical experience in summer pruning with techniques that can be applied in winter too.

The course will combine classroom-based learning with practical training, and will cover:

  • appropriate tools for pruning and plant care
  • general pruning principles and practice – applicable to fruiting and flowering trees, bushes and shrubs
  • specific pruning and planting techniques, including a range of wall/fence training techniques
  • an overview of other fruit care and maintenance tasks.

The tutor is OrganicLea’s Fruit Grower Marlene Barrett, supported by our Fruit team.

Wear sturdy shoes, and bring all-weather gear for outdoor practical sessions. Bring gardening gloves and secateurs for pruning practicals if you have them.

There will be an hour for lunch, between 1pm – 2pm, and please bring your own lunch.

To book a place, please visit our Ticket Tailor page here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/organiclea/1565442?



There is a standard fee for each of our courses.

To support our vision to inspire everyone to grow, and learn we have developed an easy way to be able to offer discounted spaces to those who need them. Please take time to read the guidelines and consider whether you can pay a solidarity rate (standard fee plus 50%).

You may also feel that once you have read these guidelines that you could pay a discounted rate (standard fee minus 50%).

Below is a short list of guidelines to help you make this decision of how much you can afford to pay:

Consider paying the solidarity rate (+50%) if you can tick at least one or more of these boxes:

□ You own the home you live in
□ Have access to savings and/or inherited money□ Working part-time/not working is a choice (for example, have negotiated reducing hours to take this course or taking time out to consider a career change)
□ Have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education i.e. educated to degree level

Solidarity rates will offer someone support to take a course they may not otherwise be able to pay for.

Consider choosing for a discounted rate (-50%) if you:

□ Support children or other dependents on one income
□ Work part time/are on low income i.e. working less than 16 hours a week
□ You do unpaid care work
□ You do not qualify for state funds solely due to your immigration status

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