A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

What’s in your fruit and veg bags this week

Week commencing 2 December

Large Veg bags have orla potatoes, carrots, brown onion, parsnips, jerusalem artichoke, celebration squash, celeriac, spinach, radicchio. No potato bags have: white cabbage

Standard Veg bags have orla potatoes, carrots, brown onion, leeks, parsnips, black Spanish radish, spinach, rainbow chard. No potato bags have: kalettes

Medium Veg bags have orla potatoes, brown onion, jack be little squash, purple milan turnips, white mushroom, spinach. No potato bags have: tundra cabbage

Small Veg bags have orla potatoes, carrots, jerusalem artichoke, beetroot, green kale, chillies. No potato bags have: radicchio

Standard Fruit bags have conference pears, winter gem or cox royale apples, oranges, satsumas, grapefruit

Medium Fruit bags have bacon avocado, conference pears, oranges, winter gem or cox royale apples

Small Fruit bags have interdonato lemons, winter gem or cox royale apples, green kiwi

From OrganicLea (Chingford): Chillies, Jerusalem Artichoke, Black Spanish Radish
From Bagthorpe (Norfolk): Brown Onions, Carrots, Parsnips
From Bedlam (Cambridgeshire): Kalettes
From Capel Mushrooms (Suffolk): White Mushrooms
From Mole End (Kent): Conference Pears, Cox Royale Apples
From Newfields (Yorkshire): Tundra Cabbage, White Cabbage, Purple Milan Turnips
From Oakwood Farm (Sussex): Winter Gem Apples
From Ripple (Kent): Rainbow Chard, Green Kale, Spinach
From Sarah Green Organics (Essex): Orla Potatoes, Beetroot, Leeks, Celeriac, Jack Be Little Squash, Radicchio
From organic wholesalers Langridge: Interdonato Lemons, Green Kiwi (Italy), Bacon Avocado, Satsumas, Grapefruit, Oranges (Spain)

Week commencing 9 December

Large Veg bags have orla potatoes, carrots, brown onion, leeks, curly or perennial kale, savoy cabbage, swede, black kat squash, cauliflower. No potato bags have: brussel sprouts

Standard Veg bags have orla potatoes, carrots, brown onion, beetroot, harlequin squash, white mushroom, radicchio, cavolo nero. No potato bags have: swede

Medium Veg bags have orla potatoes, carrots, jerusalem artichoke, celeriac, curly or perennial kale, beetroot. No potato bags have: black kat squash

Small Veg bags have orla potatoes, brown onion, celeriac, savoy cabbage, spinach. No potato bags have: purple milan turnip

Standard Fruit bags have conference pears, cox royale or fiesta apples, green kiwi, satsuma, primofiore lemons

Medium Fruit bags have pomegranate, grapefruit, satsuma, cox royale or fiesta apples

Small Fruit bags have hass avocado, conference pears, oranges

From OrganicLea (Chingford): Jerusalem Artichoke, Leeks, Perennial Kale
From Bagthorpe (Norfolk): Brown Onions, Carrots
From Bedlam (Cambridgeshire): Black Kat Squash
From Capel Mushrooms (Suffolk): White Mushrooms
From Mole End (Kent): Conference Pears, Cox Royale Apples
From Nash Nursery (Kent): Harlequin Squash, Cauliflower
From Newfields (Yorkshire): Brussel Sprouts, Savoy Cabbage, Celeriac, Purple Milan Turnips
From Oakwood Farm (Sussex): Fiesta Apples
From Ripple (Kent): Curly Kale, Spinach
From Sarah Green Organics (Essex): Cavolo Nero, Orla Potatoes, Beetroot, Radicchio, Swede
From organic wholesalers Langridge: Primofiore Lemons, Green Kiwi (Italy), Hass Avocado, Satsumas, Grapefruit, Oranges, Pomegranate (Spain)

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Categories:  In the bags, In the Bags This Week, News

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