A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

What’s in your fruit and veg bags this week

Week commencing 5 August

Large Veg bags have maris bard new potatoes, carrots, green onion, courgette, kohl rabi, patty pan squash, tatsoi, mixed kale, cherry or medium tomatoes, jalapeno or Hungarian hot wax chillies. No potato bags have: green oakleaf lettuce

Standard Veg bags have maris peer salad potatoes, carrots, green onion, sweetcorn, spinach, mixed kale, cherry tomatoes, dried garlic. No potato bags have: fennel

Medium Veg bags have maris peer salad potatoes, carrots, courgettes, summer cabbage, cucumber, cherry or medium tomatoes. No potato bags have: green peppers and jalapeno or Hungarian hot wax chillies

Small Veg bags have maris peer salad potatoes, green onion, patty pan squash, mixed salad, cucumber. No potato bags have: aubergine

Standard Fruit bags have regular oranges, peach, baby watermelon, red plum

Medium Fruit bags have black magic grapes, guyot pears, red plum, discovery apples

Small Fruit bags have peach, red plum, guyot pears

From Organiclea (Chingford): Cucumbers, Mixed Salad, Dried Garlic, Cherry or Regular Tomatoes, Jalapeno Chilli, Hungarian Hot Wax Chilli
From Bagthorpe (Norfolk): Carrots
From Forty Hall (Enfield): Mixed Salad
From Fosketts (Suffolk): Sweetcorn
From Nash Nursery (Kent): Maris Bard New Potatoes
From Newfields (Yorkshire): Fennel
From Peach & Pippin (Essex): Jubilee Plum, Belle du Levan Plum
From Ripple (Kent): Mixed Kale, Green Onions, Spinach
From Sarah Green Organics (Essex): Summer Cabbage, Courgette, Kohl Rabi, Patty Pan Squash, Green Oakleaf Lettuce, Maris Peer Salad Potatoes
From Wild Country Organics (Cambridgeshire): Tatsoi
From Wye Orchard (Kent): Aubergine
From organic wholesalers Langridge: Discovery Apples, Green Peppers, Red Jubileum Plums (UK), Guyot Pears (France), Oranges, Peach, Baby Watermelon (Spain), Black Magic Grapes (Italy)

Week commencing 12 August

Large Veg bags have red or maris peer salad potatoes, carrots, brown onion, perpetual spinach, lettuce, aubergine, cucumber, dried garlic, cherry tomatoes. No potato bags have: callaloo

Standard Veg bags have red potatoes, carrots, brown onion, courgette, bok choi, kale (cavolo nero, green curly or red russian), regular tomatoes, cucumber. No potato bags have: patty pan squash

Medium Veg bags have red potatoes, brown onion, sunburst squash, sweetcorn, cherry tomatoes, mixed salad. No potato bags have: aubergine

Small Veg bags have red potatoes, carrots, courgette, regular tomatoes, callaloo, dried garlic. No potato bags have: kohlrabi

Standard Fruit bags have oranges, peach, lemon, guyot pears, Victoria plum

Medium Fruit bags have pineapple nectarine, oranges, lemon, Victoria plum

Small Fruit bags have black magic grapes, oranges, discovery apples

From Organiclea (Chingford): Callaloo, Cucumbers, Courgette, Mixed Salad, Dried Garlic, Cherry or Regular Tomatoes, Pineapple Nectarine
From Bagthorpe (Norfolk): Brown Onion, Carrots
From Bore Farm (Kent): Lettuce
From Fosketts (Suffolk): Sweetcorn
From Oakwood Farm (Sussex): Discovery Apples
From Ripple (Kent): Perpetual Spinach, Red Potatoes, Sunburst Squash
From Sarah Green Organics (Essex): Courgette, Cavolo Nero, Green Curly Kale, Red Russian Kale, Kohl Rabi, Patty Pan Squash, Maris Peer Salad Potatoes
From Wild Country Organics (Cambridgeshire): Bok Choi
From Wye Orchard (Kent): Aubergine
From organic wholesalers Langridge: Victoria Plums (UK), Guyot Pears (France), Oranges, Lemons, Peach (Spain), Black Magic Grapes (Italy)

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