Week commencing 22 July
Large Veg bags have maris bard potatoes, carrots, green or bunched onions, dried garlic, kohl rabi, savoy cabbage, parsley, mixed salad, spinach. No potato bags have: beetroot
Standard Veg bags have maris bard potatoes, carrots, green onion, courgette, parsley, broccoli, kohl rabi, summer cabbage. No potato bags have: lettuce
Medium Veg bags have maris bard potatoes, carrots, courgette, cucumber, cherry or regular tomatoes, mixed salad. No potato bags have: spinach
Small Veg bags have maris bard potatoes, green onion, rocket, kohl rabi, mixed kale. No potato bags have: french breakfast radish
Standard Fruit bags have lemons, oranges, apricots, peregrine peach or nectarine, red beauty plum
Medium Fruit bags have lemons, peregrine peach or nectarine, oranges, apricots
Small Fruit bags have oranges, black magic grapes, apricots
From Organiclea (Chingford): Cucumbers, Mixed Salad, Dried Garlic, Perennial Kale, Cherry or Regular Tomatoes, Green Onion, Peregrine Peach
From Bagthorpe (Norfolk): Carrots
From Bore Farm (Kent): Lettuce
From Forty Hall (Enfield): Mixed Salad
From Foskett’s (Suffolk): French Breakfast Radish
From Nash Nursery (Kent): Bunched Green Onions, Maris Bard New Potatoes
From Newfields (Yorkshire): Broccoli, Savoy Cabbage, Kohl Rabi
From Ripple (Kent): Mixed Chard, Mixed Kale, Green Onions, Courgette
From Sarah Green Organics (Essex): Courgette, Summer Cabbage
From Wild Country Organics (Cambridgeshire): Ridged Cucumbers, Parsley, Rocket
From Wye Orchard (Kent): Green Peppers
From organic wholesalers Langridge: Apricots, Oranges, Red Beauty Plums, Nectarines, Lemon (Spain), Black Magic Grapes (Italy)
Week commencing 29 July
Large Veg bags have maris bard new potatoes, carrots, green onion, courgette, spring radish, tomatillos or fennel, cucumber, red russian kale, mixed chard. No potato bags have: white cabbage
Standard Veg bags have maris bard new potatoes, carrots, green onion, courgette, regular or cherry tomatoes, cucumber, swiss or rhubarb chard, mixed salad. No potato bags have: green peppers
Medium Veg bags have maris bard new potatoes, green onion, kohl rabi, patty pan squash, dried garlic, mixed kale. No potato bags have: fennel
Small Veg bags have maris bard new potatoes, carrots, choggia beetroot, regular or cherry tomatoes, mixed chard. No potato bags have: lettuce or salad
Standard Fruit bags have black magic grapes, white or peregrine peach, apricots, red beauty plum
Medium Fruit bags have cantaloupe melon, oranges, red beauty plum or greengages
Small Fruit bags have lemon, baby watermelon, red beauty plum
From Organiclea (Chingford): Choggia Beetroot, Cucumbers, Mixed Salad, Dried Garlic, Spring Radish, Tomatillos, Cherry or Regular Tomatoes, Peregrine Peach
From Bagthorpe (Norfolk): Carrots
From Bore Farm (Kent): Lettuce, White Cabbage, Swiss Chard, Rhubarb Chard
From Nash Nursery (Kent): Maris Bard New Potatoes
From Newfields (Yorkshire): Fennel
From Peach & Pippin (Essex): White Peach
From Ripple (Kent): Mixed Chard, Mixed Kale, Green Onions
From Sarah Green Organics (Essex): Courgette, Red Russian Kale, Kohl Rabi, Patty Pan Squash, Radish
From Wye Orchard (Kent): Green Peppers
From organic wholesalers Langridge: Apricots, Oranges, Red Beauty Plums, Lemon, Cantaloupe Melon, Baby Watermelon (Spain), Black Magic Grapes (Italy)
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