ESOL courses for adults
At our Hawkwood site we run ‘English by Accident’ courses that are a day a week and last between four and six weeks where people will:
• Be very welcome
• Learn and practice English in a small group
• Cook fruit and vegetables in a team
• Get work experience
• Enjoy a free healthy lunch with English speakers
We are friendly teachers, cooks, growers and volunteers who look forward to welcoming people to our market garden.
A typical day runs as follows:
Language learning with an ESOL teacher
Cooking tasks with the opportunity to practice language with fluent English speakers – this is physical activity in our kitchen. We try to accommodate everyone’s levels of fitness, but some mobility, including bending and/or kneeling is likely to be needed. The tasks are supported by the ESOL teacher and at least one chef, so there is plenty of opportunity to really learn about food preparation and cooking, or just to enjoy being outside and connecting with nature. Tasks are undertaken at the participant’s own pace.
Lunch – plant-based lunch is provided and learners, volunteers and staff sit together, providing more opportunity for practice and making friends.
Language learning / recap of what has been learned during the morning, with an ESOL teacher. We recognise that people collecting children from schools may need to leave early.
The language teaching uses cooking, gardening and food growing topics as a basis for the wider application of grammar and vocabulary, but is much less formal than in a standard classroom. The course is suitable for people with strategies for learning, but also for complete beginners, and for people who are not ready for formal learning, for whatever reason (e.g. trauma, lack of confidence, lack of study skills and so on).
These courses run throughout the year, usually on a Wednesday. Please contact to be put in touch with our ESOL tutor and find out more.