Standard vegetable bags: Ambo potatoes, Red Russian kale, sprout tops (Essex), mushrooms (Suffolk), carrots, onions, squash (Norfolk B), parsnips (Lincs), cauliflower (Kent). No potato bags Black radish (Chingford).
Large vegetable bags: as standard bags with larger quantities of potatoes, carrots, onions, mushrooms, parsnips, broccoli and leeks instead of cauliflower
Small veg bags: Ambo potatoes (Essex), carrots (Norfolk B), chard (Kent), mushrooms (Suffolk), garlic (Chingford) and swede (Essex) No potato bags have Savoy cabbage.
Standard fruit bags have bananas (Dominican Republic), Raijka apples, cooking apples (Cambs), oranges (Spain), and grapefruit (Italy).
Small fruit bags have bananas (Dominican Republic), Cox apples (Kent), Conference pears (Hereford), and grapefruit (Italy).