A workers' cooperative growing food on London's edge in the Lea Valley

20th November 2013

Standard vegetable bags have Nicola potatoes (Suffolk), carrots, onions (Norfolk B), leeks, beetroot, parsley (Essex) and heritage tomatoes, mixed salad and cavolo nero (Chingford).  No potato bags have celeriac (Norfolk B).

Large vegetable bags have larger portions of potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes, mixed salad, cavolo nero, leeks and additional celeriac.

Small veg bags have Nicola potatoes (Suffolk), onions (Norfolk B), white cabbage (Essex), Buttercup or New England Sugarpie squash, spinach and mixed chillies (Chingford and Essex). No potato bags have celeriac (Norfolk B) instead of spinach plus garlic (Chingford) and Chantarelle mushrooms (Hertfordshire).

Standard fruit bags have bananas (Dom Rep), Russet apples, Conference pears (Kent), cooking apples (Waltham Forest), kiwis, green satsumas and clementines (Italy).

Small fruit bags bags Russet apples, Conference pears (Kent), kiwis, green satsumas and an avocado (Italy).

Categories:  In the Bags This Week

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