Standard vegetable bags have Charlotte and Coleen Potatoes (Essex), carrots, onions (Norfolk B), mixed salad, cucumbers, beetroot, Hungarian Hotwax chillies and celery (Chingford) and aubergine (Norfolk). No potato bags have Chard (Norfolk) or broccoli (Lincs) and a larger mixed salad bag.
Large vegetable bags have larger portions of potatoes, carrots, onions, mixed salad, aubergine and additional chard or broccoli.
Small veg bags have basil, tomatoes (Chingford), sweetcorn (Chingford / Glocs), aubergine (Cambs) and green pepper (Essex). No potato bags have extra tomatoes.
Standard fruit bags have peaches (possibly including a single Hawkwood one, rest Italian), Black Magic grapes (Italy), Estar apples (France) and yellow plums (Spain).
Small fruit bags have Black Magic grapes, half a canary melon (Italy), yellow plums (Spain), cherries (UK)