Standard Vegetable Bags have Red Cara potatoes (Lancashire), onions (Lincolnshire), carrots, parnsips (Norfolk B), curly kale (Essex), golden and choggia beetroot, red cabbage, cauliflower (Kent), garlic (Chingford). No Potato Bags have Cavolo Nero (Chingford & Kent) and white cabbage (Essex).
Large Vegetable Bags have same as standard bags with extra Red Cara potatoes (Lancashire), onions, (Lincolnshire), carrots, parsnips (Norfolk B), red cabbage and golden and choggia beetroot (Kent).
Small Vegetable Bags have Red Cara and Ryecroft Purple potatoes (Lancashire),carrots, parsnips, January King cabbage (Norfolk), mushrooms (Suffolk) and Cavolo Nero (Kent).
Standard Fruit Bags have bananas (Dominican Republic), Blaze or Fiesta apples (Kent), Conference pears (Kent) moro blood oranges and clementines (Spain).
Small Fruit Bags have bananas (Dominican Republic), Blaze or Fiesta apples (Kent), Conference pears (Kent) and clementines (Spain).