Friday is fruit day at Hawkwood… but last Friday saw quite a range of different things going on and I had a new camera to try out so here’s a picture record:
Nestling in the straw mulch in the vineyard are some newly planted squash plants. Let’s hope the deer who hang out on this part of the site don’t find them.
Sean was building raised beds around the greengages and dreaming of them filled with poached egg plant – a good companion plant for fruit trees because the bees and hoverflies (and Sean) love it.
By the time I got down to the terrace the salad harvest was already done – the rocket is still looking pretty prolific under its shimmery netting though.
Ru and Anna packed the salad bags in the cool of the warehouse.
Huf, Dominique and Ian shifted woodchip and straw to clear space for new compost bays.
And last but not least Holly and I got the windows primed ready for painting. Eventually this wall will have all sorts of things growing next to and up it but keeping the windows in good repair has taken priority for now.