Today was a fruity friday and strawberries were the order of the day. Fridays is a volunteer day here every week from 11am till 4pm everyone is welcome. Above you can see a picture of Louise and Ru planting them. It’s a shame the computer cropped the top of Ru’s head off though.

Lucia comes with her mum Louise quite often – she is a great explorer and found all of these lovely flowers.

Huf is driving the tractor around to break up the sub-soil. He doesn’t normally have an expression like that. I think he just made it at me because I was taking a photo of him. Ian took over from him on the tractor after a while cos he got a stiff neck.

Normally when I come on a Thursday Sean is in the office using a computer but today he was allowed out!

Holly is making a poster in the glasshouse, a nice warm, calm and sensible job if ever there was one.

Ed and Brian used cardboard and newspaper to mulch the strawberry beds.

Nicole and Marko did battle with brambles.